Features of BABOT
2) Soft Machine
Shiro's Website -- Pneumatic Sculpture Series
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1)Somooth Move
2) Soft Machine
3) Ample massiveness
4) Giantic form
5) Appear & Disappear
6) Any place. Any time

movie site

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In contrast to strong and rigid stone and metal sculptures representing symbols of authority and eternal monuments which have been the main stream of conventional formative activities, formative objects made of soft materials such as leather, straws, cloth, bamboo, gourds, mud, and so on are considered fragile and cheap.

Human beings being indefinite and unstable in mentality and short in life tend to valuate eternally unchangeable, hard and strong objects more than the fragile.

Nevertheless, human beings have more closely preferred soft, warm, amiable, and fragile cultures rather than valuable but hard and cold cultures.

Even automobiles representing the modern mechanical civilization have interiors covered with soft materials as can be seen in cushions.

Soft pneumatic formative objects well match with the modern cold urban architectures.