Babot Retes

Babot and remodelled products thereof listed on
Babot Inc.'s "List of Babot Products in Inventory"
effective as of the time when Lessee places an order therefor.

rent(us$)= basic charge+ (dayly charge x days)

(table) class ` class a class b class c class d class e class f
basic charge
. $300 $600 $900 $1200 $1500 $1800 $2100
dayly charge
within 30days $30 $60 $90 $120 $150 $180 $210
after 30days $15 $30 $45 $60 $75 $90 $105

Babot that is reproduced with ready-made pattern.

custom-made product
Any Babot other than those falling under the preceding paragraph.

rent(us$)= basic charge+ (dayly charge x days)

. class ` class a class b class c class d class e class f
easy shape @ Qm Rm Sm Tm @ @hight
standard shape @ @ Qm Rm Sm Tm @
complex shape @ @ @ Qm Rm Sm Tm
basic charge
. $2400 $4800 $7200 $9600 $12000 $14400 $16800
dayly charge
within 30days $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
after 30days $15 $30 $45 $60 $75 $90 $105

Exclusive product

Substitute in inventory

Expensess required
Any and all expensess required for transporting, installing, maintenance
of and removing Babot are not included in the rent and shall be borne by Lessee.

Remodelling fee

Special parts fee
Any parts not covered by standard specification of the inventory.

Transporting fee (NIPPON EXPRESS)